Sundays + Other Musings: Notes On Well-Living is a collection of words and thoughts about life and love, and ease, and beauty, and the art of noticing. It's about remembering the good ol' days. It's about leaning into the sacredness of Sundays. There are Sunday Letters and Affirmations inside. And Sunday quotables. And some stories and musings of life and home. Some lessons and truths (always). Some recipes from the people I love most. Lots of beauty and lightness. Lots of soul medicine, you know?
It's broken into four main sections: Sundays in Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter – which is why the First Edition being released in Spring is so significant. The First Edition run is limited, so make sure you order early and don't miss out!
I cannot wait to see this book in your hands and homes. It's one of those things I know I'll be proud of forever, you know? Thank you for all of your encouragement and love along the way. It carries me. In the rough terrain, especially. It reminds me that there is purpose – in all of it.
Description: A 7 ½ x 10 coffee table sized dream. A soft, olive-y green fabric. Gold de-bossed stamping and thick, creamy paper on the inside.
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Arrives in Spring!
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